Monday 8 February 2010


"What I am and how I am, in nature and by grace, I have it all from you, Lord, and it is you. And I offer it all to you, above all for your praise, and for the help of my fellow Christians and my self."
      Book of Privy Counsel, p109

Grant me to recognise in other men, Lord God,
The radiance of your own face.
     Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

Hold our minds still,
Keep us from running off into the past or the future,
So that we can meet you where we are –
In happiness or in grief,
In confidence or in anxiety,
In life and in death. Amen.

Grant me, O Lord, throughout this day
    Faith to love,
    Love enough to forgive,
    Forgiveness enough to value those I find difficult;
Even as I am valued, forgiven, loved and trusted,
    By your Son Jesus Christ.